How To for Who's Due

**Updated videos are in progress. Please check back soon**

Below are some videos for How To for Who's Due. From setting up your notifications to printing a pedigree with custom logo, we offer simple how to videos to help you in learning how to use our application to it's full potential. Don't forget to subscribe to our Official YouTube channel to keep up with updates and more how to videos!


To set up your notifications, please follow these simple instructions:


1. Tap on the gear icon in the upper righthand corner of the main screen.

2. Nest box notifications are always on and sent. You can adjust how many days before the due date you'd like to get the notification from one day before up to 5 days before.

3. Palpation, Weaning & Process notifications are off by default when you first install the app. To turn on, click the toggle switch for whichever ones you wish to turn on. The date and time will need to be set when you add the breeding. 

4. For Palpation, set the number of DAYS AFTER BREEDING you wish to palpate.

5. For Weaning & Process, set the number of WEEKS AFTER the litter is born you wish to wean or process.


**Note: Reminder notifications for does that are due are sent at 6:00 a.m. the day they are due. All other notifications are sent at noon the day they are to be done.

Entering & Updating Breedings

To enter a breeding, please follow these simple instructions:


1. Breeding results can be updated anytime. 

2. While the doe is still due it will show on the main screen and you can tap on it to bring up the breeding results screen to enter the results.

3. If it's not still on the main screen, tap the Breedings menu and Update Breeding Results.

4. On the breeding results screen first select the doe, then select the breeding and you can update the results.

5. Make sure to populate least the date born, number born, and number alive.

6. If the app thinks none of the litter is alive or it was missed litter, it wont show it on the weaning or processing tabs of the main screen. 

7. If it is actually was a missed litter, there is a switch you can turn on to mark that. 

8. The number alive is the number alive at birth at first. As the litter grows, it should be updated if the doe loses any. 

9. By the time the litter is weaned, it should be the number alive at weaning. This makes the survival rate statistics accurate, so that you can see exactly what percentage of kits a doe has successfully raised to weaning.

Adding a Rabbit

To add a rabbit, please follow these simple instructions:


1. On the main screen tap Rabbits and then tap Add Rabbit.

2. The gender is defaulted to BUCK so make sure to change it if it's a doe you are entering. 

3. Ear Number and Breed are required field. Once those are entered, the save button will be enabled. All other information is optional.

4. If you are entering a breed that ISN'T one of the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) recognized breeds suck as Altex, select 'Other' in the breed list. This will enable the other breed name field and you can type in the breed name.

5. If you have a mixed breed, there is a 'Cross Breed' in the breed list that you can use as well.

6. If you have a color that isn't one of the ARBA recognized colors, select 'Other' in the color list. This will enable the other color name field and you can then type in the color.

7. Rabbits need to be entered into the app before adding a breeding. When you add a breeding, the buck and doe fields will give you a list of active bucks and does to pick from. 

Inactive Rabbits

To change Active rabbits to inactive, please follow these simple instructions:


1. If a rabbit is no longer active in your herd for any reason suck as it was sold, retired, passed away or was part of a pedigree background, you can mark it as inactive. This enables you to keep the rabbit's data in the app but keep it separate from the rabbits that are actively breeding in your herd.

2. At the bottom of the "add/edit rabbit" screen, there is a switch for Active in Rabbitry. Just turn that off and save changes.

3. When you add new breedings only active does and bucks will show in the lists, which helps to keep the size of the list down and make it easier to find the ones you need.

4. On the rabbit list and statistics screens you can the view rabbits by status. By default is will show active rabbits but you can toggle it to show inactive rabbits or all rabbits.

Switching Between
Rabbits & Cavies

Entering a Pedigree

To switch between Rabbits & Cavies, please follow these simple instructions:


1. You can track both rabbit and cavy information in the app.

2. On the settings screen, in the animals section, you can toggle between rabbits and cavies.

3. You wont lose any data when switching. 

4. Switching from rabbit to cavy will only switch the app over to cavy data.

5. The image on the main screen will also change to a cavy and the data displayed will be cavies that are due.

6. All menu options will then change to appropriate options for cavies.

7. Functionality that doesn't apply to cavies will be disabled. 

Adding a Custom Logo to a Pedigree

To add a custom logo on the pedigree, please follow these simple instructions:


1. On the settings screen, tap on "breeding information".

2. At the bottom of the breeder information screen, there is a link to select an image or remove an image.

3. Tapping on "select image" will open your photo library and you can select a photo from there to use as your logo. 

4. Save your changes and any pedigree you print will now have the image on it.

5. Tapping "remove image" will clear the image from the app. It wont remove it from your photo library.

6. The image on the pedigree is a little wider than it is tall. If the image you are using isn't landscape oriented, you may want to crop it first.

7. The image is not part of the iOS backup and restore, so if you get a new device, you will need to add the image again.

Backup & Restore iOS

To use iCloud backup & restore, follow these simple instructions.


1. On the setting screen there is a data management section. Tapping on backup with backup all of your data to you iCloud account. It will overwrite all data from previous backups.

2. Tapping on restore will copy all of your data from your iCloud account back to the device. It will overwrite all data currently on the device.

3, Using the backup and restore you can also copy all of your data from your iPhone to your iPad and vice versa

4. At this time, data cannot be shared between multiple iCloud accounts.

To enter a pedigree, please follow these simple instructions:


1. There isn't a separate menu option for entering a pedigree.

2. To enter a pedigree, just enter all the individual rabbits from the pedigree into the app.

3. When entering a rabbit, make sure that the sire ear number field matches the ear number of that rabbit's sire, and the dam ear number field matches the ear number of that rabbit's dam. This is how the app will make the connection between rabbits and build the pedigree to print later.

4. For any of the rabbit's on the pedigree that aren't part of your rabbitry, mark them as inactive as you add them. There is a switch at the bottom of the "add rabbit" screen that is on by default to mark the new rabbit as active in your herd. Just turn the switch off to mark inactive.

Printing a Pedigree

To print a pedigree, please follow these simple instructions:


1. On the main screen, tap the "Rabbits" menu and then "View Rabbits". 

2. Find the rabbit you want to print the pedigree for in the list and tap "print". This will give you a choice of printing a coop card for the rabbit or the pedigree.

3. If any of the rabbits that should be on the pedigree are missing, check that the sire and dam ear number fields on the offsprings information are correct and match the ear number of the parent.

Backup & Restore Android

Here are the steps to do a Google Backup using a Samsung tablet on Android 11 as an example. 


  1.  - In settings go to Accounts and backup. Then Back up data under Google Drive 
  2.  - Turn on Back up to Google Drive if it isn’t already 
  3. - Select the Google account to back up to under Account if it isn’t already 
  4. - Then tap the Back up now button. Once the backup is done you can verify the app data is backed up in the Google Drive app. 
  5. - Tap on the three lines on the left side of the search bar 
  6.  - Tap on Backups 
  7. - Tap on the latest backup for your device, then App data 
  8.  - WhosDue should be listed showing the size of the data and when it was last backed up 



Now when you reinstall the app the data will be restored as it was at the time of that back up.

‼️ 🆕 Adding a Re-Breeding Task 🆕 ‼️

Available Does / Rebreed Reminders 

(new in iOS version 4.11 and Android 3.11):

  1. There is a new setting in the settings screen ‘Rebreed weeks after litter born’.  You can use this to set how many weeks after a litter is born that you normally rebreed does. It will default to 3 weeks initially.
  2. The available does screen has two tabs. Does available now and Does available later.
  3. Does available now will show all active does who are available to breed now. If a bred doe is 7 or more days past due(no results have been entered) the app will treat it as a missed litter and show the doe as available to breed now.
  4. The screen will have an Add Breeding button to create a breeding from there and will pre populate the doe for you when you create the breeding that way.
  5. Does available later will show all active does that are already bred or on a litter along with the date that they are available to breed again based on the new setting.
  6. The screen will have an Add Task button that will create a task to rebreed the doe. It will pre populate the reminder date and time to be 3:00 pm on the date the doe is available. You can change it to whatever time works best for you before saving it. From that point it’s just like any other task and you’ll get a notification for it on the date/time set.
  7. Changing the number of weeks setting will not change the reminder date of any rebreed tasks already created. For tasks already created, edit the task and adjust the date.